تقاطع الإيمان والسياسة في المسيحية المبكرة: تحليل العلاقات بين الكنيسة والدولة


  • Md Rahmat Ali Author
  • Mazharuddin faaiez Author


This article examines the complex relationship between faith and politics in the formative years of Christianity, focusing on how early Christian communities navigated their position within the Roman Empire and the subsequent evolution of church-state relations. Through a historical-critical method, we analyze primary texts, archaeological evidence, and early doctrinal developments to explore the dynamics of power, resistance, and negotiation that characterized the early Christian approach to political engagement. This study reveals that the intersection of faith and politics in early Christianity was marked by a fluid negotiation of identities and authorities, challenging modern assumptions about the separation of church and state.


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How to Cite

تقاطع الإيمان والسياسة في المسيحية المبكرة: تحليل العلاقات بين الكنيسة والدولة. (2023). Al Haqeeqah, 3(2), 43-48. https://alhaqeeqah.pk/index.php/journal/article/view/37