مسلم دنیا میں موسیقی: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ


  • Dr. Talib Ali Awan Author


Music in the Muslim World" is a comprehensive exploration of the rich and diverse musical traditions found within the global Muslim community. This paper delves into the historical, cultural, and religious dimensions that shape the myriad expressions of music across Muslim-majority regions and communities worldwide. It examines the multifaceted roles music plays within Islamic societies, ranging from spiritual devotion and ritual practice to social cohesion and artistic innovation. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives from ethnomusicology, anthropology, history, and religious studies, this study offers insights into the dynamic interactions between music, Islam, and broader socio-cultural contexts. Additionally, it investigates the impact of globalization, technology, and socio-political changes on the evolving landscape of Muslim music, highlighting both challenges and opportunities for its preservation and adaptation. Through a nuanced analysis of musical genres, instruments, performance practices, and thematic motifs, this paper seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the diverse musical tapestry that enriches the Muslim world and contributes to the global musical heritage


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How to Cite

مسلم دنیا میں موسیقی: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ. (2022). Al Haqeeqah, 2(2), 8-17. https://alhaqeeqah.pk/index.php/journal/article/view/22